Gutting a rabbit? - diagrams for rabbit cages
I am planning a party in the style of 1940 and wants to make a rabbit. Does anyone know where I have a website that explains in detail how to skin and gut a rabbit can be found, preferably with graphics or pictures?
And please do not give me a bad time to make a monster like murder only reasonable answer I for the work.
You insensetive person ... Try to eat carrots for a change
It is easiest just to go buy a rabbit, freshly cleaned room, if he really want to urself u butcher.Or here's a link:
The simplest, cut the first thing off his head, then pull the skin down to your body, you need to cut the front legs on the foot when opening the skin / skin rabibit themselves (if something so good) fish and remove courage - stomach, intestines, etc.
Easy as that.
I will not "harm" (although this seems no problem doing that have a rabbit), but all we ask is that you kill with no pain, you can ask first?
Then you can do what you want.
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